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Selectmen's Minutes 2008/02/25

Monday February 25, 2008
7:00 PM

Present:  Emma Smith, William Roach, Stephen White, Frederick Gallup, Richard Leon, Donna Nashawaty – Town Manager, Norm Bernaiche – Assessor

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Smith at 7:04 PM.

ITEMS FOR SIGNATURE OR REVIEW:  See copy of agenda attached.



Assessing – Norm Bernaiche

Norm reviewed the “Report on Review of Assessment Practices for Municipality Sunapee, April 1, 2006”  from the DRA (see copy or report attached).  He reported that the State basically said that Sunapee met the standards except for exemptions.  He has been updating current use and revamped the files.  The same thing is being done for the elderly and veterans exemptions.  The State reviews towns every five years, so the next review will be in 2011.  He advised that Sunapee will be getting their ratio any day.

Donna reported that Wheelabrator has settled their case with the city of Claremont on coming up with a value.  They agreed on payment in lieu of taxes of $375,000.00 per year for 20 years.  Wheelabrator’s assessment is $14,000,000.00 and they are considered a PILOT even though they are a for profit business because they produce renewable energy by statute established in 2006. Consequently, they come off the tax roles and the city takes a payment in lieu of taxes.  DRA currently gives Wheelabrator a value of $6,000,000.00 for the state education portion of the tax.  When doing the apportionment for the County tax, the DRA figures are used.  They also back out the utilities for the education tax.  Sunapee has two utilities at about 9.6 million.  DRA puts the value at 2 million.


The minutes of February 11, 2008 were reviewed.  A motion was made by Richard Leone to approve the minutes.  The motion was seconded by William Roach and approved unanimously.


Coalition Communities – The Coalition meeting is at 10 AM on March 27, 2008 at the Local
Government Center.  Steve White, Dick Leone, Emma Smith, and Bill Roach will attend.  Dick
reported that they need a 60% majority to pass the Constitutional Amendment to undo the State
education property tax. He then said it would behoove the Board to make sure Sue Gottling
knows the Board’s position.  He also stated that Governor Lynch is in favor of it.  A motion was
made by Steve White for Dick Leone to write a letter to Sue Gottling stating that the Board
of Selectmen support the Constitutional Amendment and urge her to vote in support of it.
The motion was seconded by Bill Roach and approved unanimously.                 

New Hampshire Retirement System Regional Dinner – Donna Nashawaty and Dick Leone
attended a meeting about the retirement system last week.  It is a very serious issue about how it
is funded and what it is funded as.  The Police and Fire are the most directly benefited.  They
show up in mass and literally inundate the House members.  The more your own members
understand what they are voting on and why the better.  There is a meeting on March 3, 2008.  
Donna Nashawaty, Dick Leone, Steve White, Emma Smith, and Sue Gottling will be attending.

Sign RSA 231:191, Post weight limits on Town Roads – The Board of Selectmen supports the
posting of roads by the Road Agent.

Certificate of Need Board – Dick Leone reported that he got a call from the Governor’s office
asking him to serve on the Board.  He passed it on to Connie Jones.  Emma Smith expressed that
she would like to serve if Connie Jones cannot.  


Shoreline Protection Act - Donna reported that the meeting on the Shoreline Protection Act is
on Wednesday, February 27, 2008, 7:00 PM at the Sunapee Middle High School Music Room.  

Letter – Donna received a message from Walt Goddard stating that Emma Smith did a wonderful job with the letter to Don Clarke.

Storm -  Donna reported that Tony said that last Monday’s storm was the worst in his career and she thinks he deserves some recognition.  The Board agreed that he did a wonderful job.


Channel 8 – Bill Roach reported that he got a call from a constituent about Newport taking over Channel 8 and, at times, he/she cannot get Channel 10.  Donna advised that Sunapee has Channels 8 and 10 from the Newport Line over into Sunapee, but they have nothing to put on.  The town voted down the article last year that would have enabled them to hire someone to do the recording for the town.

Town Report – Bill Roach thanked the Board members for the dedication of the town report to him.
NHMA Bulletin -  Dick Leone gets the Bulletin and thinks the Board should make suggestions
to Sue Gottling on what they recommend.  Donna suggested that they speak about the issues at
their meetings and she will forward their suggestions to Sue.

Web Site -  Donna advised that anyone can now subscribe to minutes, agendas, etc. on the town
web site.

9:20 PM – A motion was made by Steve White to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by
Dick Leone and approved unanimously.

Submitted by,
Joan Bleau                                              Approved______________________

_______________________________         ______________________________
Emma M. Smith, Chairman                         Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

_______________________________         ______________________________
William Roach                                   Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup